Tag: arithmetic

Stress Testing Dynamic R/exams Exercises


Before actually using a dynamic exercise in a course it should be thoroughly tested. While certain aspects require critical reading by a human, other aspects can be automatically stress-tested in R. Read More ›

R/exams @ useR! 2019


Pre-conference tutorial about R/exams at useR! 2019 (The R User Conference) in Toulouse: Slides, example code, and links to further information. Read More ›

fruit2: Image-Based Systems of Linear Equations (Single-Choice)


Exercise template for solving a system of three linear equations (single-choice) with a problem description based on shuffled images. Read More ›

fruit: Image-Based Systems of Linear Equations (Numeric)


Exercise template for solving a system of three linear equations (numeric answer) with a problem description based on shuffled images. Read More ›

From Static to Numeric to Single-Choice Exercises in R/exams


Tutorial for turning a static arithmetic exercise into a dynamic numeric exercise template and furthermore into a dynamic single-choice exercise template. Read More ›

tstat2: 1-Sample t-Test Statistic (Single-Choice)


Exercise template for computing the t-test statistic (single-choice) from given hypothesized mean and empirical mean and variance. Read More ›

tstat: 1-Sample t-Test Statistic


Exercise template for computing the t-test statistic (numeric answer) from given hypothesized mean and empirical mean and variance. Read More ›

lagrange: Method of Lagrange Multipliers


Exercise template for minimizing a linear objective function with two arguments subject to a Cobb-Douglas-type constraint. Both the parameters of the functions and the exact question (argument 1 vs. argument 2 vs. function value in optimum) are drawn randomly. Read More ›

hessian: 2x2 Hessian Matrix (Single-Choice)


Exercise template for computing the Hessian for a given function with randomly-drawn parameters. Read More ›

dist3: Distances and the Pythagorean Theorem (Single-Choice)


Exercise template for computing the distance (single-choice) between two randomly-drawn points in a Cartesian coordinate system. Read More ›