Based on a Simple Exercise Format
One-for-All Exams Generator
- R/exams is based on exercises in plain text files with formatting either via Markdown or LaTeX and optional R code to make the content dynamic.
- The format is agnostic to a specific output format and can be rendered into a wide variety of files.
- Thus, the same exercise can be exported into different formats - with multiple-choice and single-choice being supported by almost all learning management systems.
Output formats
- PDFs for written exams (with automatic scanning and evaluation).
- Custom files of various types (PDF, HTML, Docx, ODF, …), using flexible document templates.
- Imports for learning management systems (like Moodle, Canvas, OpenOlat, Blackboard, Ilias, …).
- ARSnova (live voting software).
- Tutorial: Installing R/exams.
- Tutorial: First Steps.
- Overview: R/exams for Blended Learning in a Mathematics 101 Course.
- Blog archive.