Why R? Webinar on R/exams for E-Learning Quizzes and Beyond
Why R? Webinar 001
R/exams was presented in the first Why R? webinar by Achim Zeileis. Marcin Kosiński was the host and did a great job setting up the Zoom session that was streamed live on YouTube where more than 100 participants joined the live chat.
Compared to previous presentations on R/exams, the webinar gave some emphasis to e-learning. Also, the presentation shared some experiences from Universität Innsbruck on how R/exams can assist the transition to distance learning due to the corona crisis in spring 2020.
This blog post provides various resources for those who did not attend the webinar or who want to explore the materials in some more detail. Most importantly the presentation slides are available in PDF format (under CC-BY):
Thanks to the great job done by the Why R? organizers, the recording of the live stream is available on YouTube:
To illustrate the e-learning capabilities supported by R/exams, the presentation went through an online quiz generated by R/exams and imported into OpenOlat, an open-source learning management system (available under the Apache License). The online test is made available again here for anonymous guest access. (Note however, that the system only has one guest user so that when you start the test there may already be some test results from a previous guest session. In that case you can finish the test and also start it again.)
A detailed description of the generation and import of this online quiz is available in the recent R/exams e-learning tutorial.
Getting started
Further resources for getting started with R/exams are available in these tutorials: