Tag: e-learning

Mind the Gap: Using R/exams to Ease the Transition into STEM Studies


Ideas and experiences from an award-winning bridging course in mathematics at Universität Innsbruck, whose teaching and examination culture is guided by learning outcomes and extensively uses R/exams. Read More ›

Embedding R/exams Exercises in learnr Tutorials


Introduction to the new exams2learnr package for including quizzes or individual questions from dynamic exercise templates into learnr tutorials which can be deployed as shiny apps. Read More ›

Introductory R/exams Course by Andrew Zammit-Mangion


To help new users to adopt R/exams for generating remote assessments this new free online course covers steps from installation to automatic exam generation in Moodle and PDF format. Read More ›

Online Tests for TestVision with R/exams


Generating, importing, and customizing online tests for TestVision with R/exams. Read More ›

Summative Online Exams with R/exams and OpenOlat


Tutorial for conducting online exams generated by R/exams in OpenOlat, including strategies to prevent cheating such as extended randomization, linear navigation, and a sworn declaration prior to the exam. Read More ›

Why R? Webinar on R/exams for E-Learning Quizzes and Beyond


Webinar hosted by Why R? Foundation: Slides, video, and e-learning resources. Read More ›

E-Learning Quizzes with R/exams for Moodle and OpenOlat


Step-by-step tutorials for generating, importing, and customizing online tests and quizzes using exams2moodle() and exams2openolat() in R/exams. Read More ›

R/exams @ useR! 2019


Pre-conference tutorial about R/exams at useR! 2019 (The R User Conference) in Toulouse: Slides, example code, and links to further information. Read More ›

R/exams @ eRum 2018


Keynote lecture about R/exams at eRum 2018 (European R Users Meeting) in Budapest: Slides, video, e-learning, replication materials. Read More ›

Dynamic Online Tests with Blackboard and R/exams


Step-by-step guide to generating, importing, and conducting online tests and quizzes generated by exams2blackboard() in R/exams. Read More ›